Voici un topic réservé à tous les administrateurs de serveur de jeu Bad Company 2. En cas de soucis, question, postez un poste merci.
Utilitaires d'administration :
BC2CC : http://www.bc2cc.com/downloads.html
BFBC2ADMIN : http://www.bfbc2admin.com/node/37
BC2 Guardian : http://g4g.pl/bc2guardian
BC2 PRoCon : http://phogue.net/?page_id=389
Bannière de votre serveur :
Vous pouvez ajouter une bannière qui sera vu au chargement de la map, voici les conditions :
Dimensions: 512x64
Format: .png
Poid total : 127Kb
URL limitée à 64 caractères.
Traduction des maps dans le fichier .txt :
Maplist :
// Traduction des modes en langage serveur :
Conquest = CONQUEST
Rush = RUSH
Squad Rush = SQRUSH
Squad Team Deathmatch = SQDM
// Liste des maps avec leur "code":
Panama Canal = mp_001
Valparaíso = mp_002
Laguna Alta= mp_003
Isla Inocentes = mp_004
Atacama Desert = mp_005
Arica Harbor = mp_006
White Pass = mp_007
Nelson Bay = mp_008
Laguna Presa = mp_009
Port Valdez = mp_012
// Exemple d'une série de maps :
// Liste des maps disponibles selon les modes :
NOTE : On peut désormais effectuer un mixage des modes automatiquement, il faut obligatoirement utiliser l'utilitaire PRoCon ou Guardian.
Startup.txt :
Le fichier "startup" permet d'exécuter des commandes au lancement ou au redémarrage du serveur. Cela évite, en cas de reboot, de reconfigurer le serveur.
- Pour activer la commande : true
- Pour désactiver la commande : false
#Interdire l'accès aux joueurs ayant un grade supérieur à XX
vars.rankLimit xx
#Feu amis désactiver
vars.friendlyFire false
#Mode hardcore désactiver
vars.hardCore false
#Equilibrage des équipes désactiver
vars.teamBalance false
#Killcam désactiver
vars.killCam false
#L'affichage de la mini carte en bas à gauche de l'écran activer
vars.miniMap true
#Le réticule de viser des armes s'affiche à l'écran
vars.crossHair true
#Repérage des ennemis sur votre écran via un triangle orange activer
vars.3dSpotting true
#Repérage des ennemis sur la mini-carte par des icônes orange activer
vars.miniMapSpotting true
#Vue à la 3ème personne sur les véhicules activé
vars.thirdPersonVehicleCameras true
#Filtre "anti-insulte" sur le t'chat désactiver
vars.profanityFilter false
#Delais de 30 secondes avant le début de la partie
levelVars.set all startDelay 30
#Nombre de ticket pour le mode CONQUEST
levelVars.set gamemode CONQUEST ticketBleedSpeed 120
Commandes RCON :
help : Shows a basic command listing.
admin.runScript <filename> : Executes a file in the “AdminScript” directory of the server, such as “Startup.txt” or a file that you have custom-defined.
punkBuster.pb_sv_command <command> : Executes a raw punkbuster command on the server. You can use this to set up timed messages, etc.
admin.yell <message> <duration in ms> <players> : Displays a message on players’ screens for the amount of time indicated. The duration is measured in milliseconds and must be >0 and <60000 — for instance, 10000 means 10 seconds. The message must be less than 100 characters long. “players” can be “all”, “team <team number>”, “squad <squad number>” or “player <playername>”.
admin.runNextLevel : Switches to the next level in the map cycle.
admin.restartMap : Ends the current round and restarts with the same map.
admin.listPlayers <players> : Lists all players in the server (<players> is in the same format as it is for admin.yell). For each player, it prints lines for the clantag, player name, squad number, and team number.
admin.kickPlayer <player name> : Kicks a specified player. You can find the exact player name from admin.listPlayers.
admin.banPlayer <player name> <timeout> : Ban a player for the specified amount of time. Timeout can be “perm” for permanent, “round” for until the end of the round, or “seconds <seconds>” for some number of seconds.
admin.banIP <ip address> <timeout> : Like admin.banPlayer, but for an IP address. There is currently no way to find a player’s IP address through the game.
admin.unbanPlayer <player name> : Unbans a player. Currently this is broken.
admin.unbanIP <ip address> : Unban an IP.
admin.clearPlayerBanList : Clear the entire ban list at once.
admin.clearIPBanList : Clear the entire IP ban list at once.
admin.listPlayerBans : See all players that are banned. The format is very ugly.
admin.listIPBans : See all IPs that are banned. The format is very ugly.
reservedSlots.load : Re-load the reservedslotslist.txt file that is loaded by the game when it starts. You can change the contents of this file through the “Easy setup” page in your control panel.
reservedSlots.save : Re-save the reservedslotslist.txt file.
reservedSlots.addPlayer <player name> : Grant a player a reserved slot by adding him to the list.
reservedSlots.removePlayer <player name> : Remove a player’s reserved slot.
reservedSlots.clear : Clear all reserved slots at once.
reservedSlots.list : List the current reserved slots.
mapList.load, mapList.save, mapList.list, malList.clear, mapList.remove : These behave just as the reservedSlots functions do. Some are broken, currently.
mapList.append <map name> : Adds a map to the end of the current map list. Currently broken.
vars.gamePassword, vars.punkBuster, vars.hardCore, vars.ranked, vars.rankLimit, vars.teamBalance, vars.friendlyFire, vars.playerLimit, vars.bannerUrl, vars.serverDescription, vars.killCam, vars.miniMap, vars.crossHair, vars.3dSpotting, vars.miniMapSpotting, vars.thirdPersonVehicleCameras : These do as you might expect, and “true” or “false” is used for most of them. You should set them through your “Easy setup” page instead, so that they are saved across server restarts.