cela ne vient pas de vos jeux mais des Master-server de chez EA ...
etant admin d un serveur chez KillerCreation ils m ont averti qu il y avait une R9 en cours et qu il y avait d
autre soucis !!!
je vous mets le Mail que j ai recu !!! mails reçu le 04/04/2010
BC2: EA Master Server Issues
Approximately 5-10% of servers are experiencing issues reconnecting to EA's Plasma back-end after the Master Server outage earlier tonight. This is to do with Plasma not releasing server GUIDs from the previous outage, and thus preventing a server from reconnecting with the same GUID.
EA-IT are aware of the issue but most likely Plasma is going to need a restart to release the GUIDs. This should be conducted out-of-hours so not to impact the player base as a whole.
If/when a time for the Plasma restart is announced, we will again send out further notification.
Unfortunately Plasma was not restarted this morning as we had hoped. This means a small percentage of servers are still affected by the GUID in-use error.
Given it's now the early afternoon, it’s unlikely Plasma is going to be rebooted today which inevitably causes frustration for customer affected by this.
As a solution (albeit not a very good one), we can offer to delete any customers server GUID which will fix the issue. Deleting a server GUID causes the server to generate a new GUID upon boot, however; doing this means everyone will lose that particular server from their favorites.
The above solution is not great and we imagine is only going to be considered by customers who have had their server less than a week.
vous comprendrez donc que tout le materiel du monde et le meilleur que vous puissiez avoir ne changerait rien
aux problemes que vous pourriez rencontrer !!!