
DICE bosse dur

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Ci dessous, le post sur le fofo EA officiel de l'avancée de DICE dans la guerre contre les bugs et autres tracasseries... dsl mais c'est en anglais. Bonne lecture.

How is DICE working on the game?

Fixes are made directly in the retail game. Then, depending on how much time and effort it takes, we also lift the fixes into the Closed Beta. When we have a new good build of the Closed Beta, we will release a new client.

The focus for most of the team right now is stability, not game balancing. Therefore the list below contains mainly reported stability issues.

Flashing water and terrain on Crossfire

* Fixed in retail game.

Particle shadows disabled on SLI + DirectX9

* They used to cause a huge performance drop. Fixed in retail game.

DirectX9 crashes

* We have improved stability some in the retail game, particularly when "losing" the graphics device due to alt-tab

WinXP 32 / WinXP 64 compatibility

* We have done a few crash fixes, although we have no data specifically on XP64 yet.

Updater fails downloading patch and gives a nonsensical error message about "unable to download patch, check your internet connection"

* Fixed in the retail game. The problem is both in the game's installer and in the updater.

* Closed Beta workaround: launch the Updater as Administrator.

Some or all of WASD keys stop working

* If you have a joystick connected, and it is not perfectly calibrated, then it will signal tiny movements in some direction. These tiny movements overrule the WASD keys. We are aware of the problem.

* Closed Beta workaround: Disconnect your joystick

Crash during level load on ATI x1900 cards

* The game requires driver version 9.12 or later to function. 9.11 crashes hard inside the driver. Unfortunately there are no new enough drivers available for the X1900 cards.

* Closed Beta workaround: Rename BFBC2Game.exe to BF2.exe, and launch BF2.exe directly.

Sometimes you keep moving even after you have released a key

* Noted. We have reproduced it at the DICE office too.

* As a side note: this never happened to a single developer during the past 6 months' worth of testing. Strange.

"Connection to server has been lost"

* This one is tricky. We have no solution yet.

Some sounds are played in the wrong speaker

* Audio team are investigating.

Crackups in sound

* No data yet.

Weapon balancing and tuning

* When we created the first Closed Beta, we picked the most stable build we had. (Well, you have all seen how well that build fared when it faced the real world...) We had to choose either stability or new content -- and stability won. Due to this, all content in the Closed Beta was some weeks old already at launch.

* Weapon balancing is on-going in the retail game, and we are following what's happening on the forums.

HBAO is very GPU hungry, resulting in low framerates on high-end machines

* We are working on faster versions of the filter.

* Closed Beta workaround: disable HBAO. Looks less pretty, runs better.

The game has high framerate on a machine, yet the input is very laggy

* We have a fix in the works.

The game accepted my serial key, but then failed logging in to EA Online

* Are you having any exotic characters in your password? One person who had the character ‘}’ in his password had that very problem.

* Closed Beta workaround: Change your password (using to a password that only contains the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9. Then try logging in in the game again.

So, that is where we are at now.

We will try to keep this list updated every few days. Thanks for your feedback, everyone!


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Bon, je suis pas un expert en anglais alors j'utilise google :o

Mais si j'ai bien compris, les machines hauts de gammes sont touchées par un bug, ça pourrait expliquer pourquoi certains joueurs avec de bonnes machines trouvent le jeu laids alors que d'autres non ^^

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Bon, je suis pas un expert en anglais alors j'utilise google :o

Mais si j'ai bien compris, les machines hauts de gammes sont touchées par un bug, ça pourrait expliquer pourquoi certains joueurs avec de bonnes machines trouvent le jeu laids alors que d'autres non ^^

non. il dit que le HBAO (l'occlusion ambiante), quand il est activé est très gourmand avec le filtre HBAO de la bêta, même sur les machines très haut de gamme => le désactiver (le HBAO). ils bossent sur de nouveaux filtres plus rapides.

pas un mot sur l'histoire de l'AF( filtrage anisotropique) à *8 ( = "3" dans le fichier config) qui permettrait de booster les performances.

pas un mot sur les performances meilleures (ou pas moins bonnes) sur des résolutions plus élevées, même avec un processeur puissant (quadcore overclocké ou i7/i5 )

pas un mot sur l'antialiasing qui réagit bizarremeent sur certaines machines.

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ça ne fait pas l'ombre d'un doute que le HBAO est gourmand (pour peu de résultat)

chez moi il me fait perdre 20 FPS quand je l'active :blink: et je ne vois aucune différence graphique :lol:

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Normal qu'ils bossent durement et nous faisons leurs boulots en reportant les bugs.Serte en s'amusant mais voila a quoi sert une beta close ^^.Tout se que j'espère c'est que le jeu sorte bien a la date prévue et de toute façon on se tapera un patch a la sortie c'est la marque de fabrique de DICE :P

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Comme LouloO , le hbao me fait perdre 20 30 FPS, sans différences graphique notable. Il sera sûrement intéressant de l'activer pour le solo, mais concernant le multi, tout ce qui dévore les fps je le bannit de mes options, et ce même si j'ai une grosse bécane .

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